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 Asphalt Maintenance & Repair provides an array of concrete services for commercial properties including concrete drives, concrete parking lots, concrete sidewalks, concrete ADA compliant ramps, ADA compliant signs, steel bollards, curbs & gutters, concrete carstops, slabs, and dumpster pads.

Concrete ADA ramps, curbing, and sidewalks:

Pavement markings help control vehicle and pedestrian traffic, while also ensuring maximized parking. Arrows, crosswalks, stenciling, and other markings, combined with parking stalls, create an efficient parking lot and roadway for your property. Custom stencils are a great way to enhance your brand. ADA Compliance. Access to your property and compliance with regulations (Federal, state, and municipal) is an imperative for all facilities. ADA compliance through pavement markings and signage not only ensures avoiding fines and penalties but also allows easy access to your property. Repainting your parking lot makes your property look newer and well-maintained. Striping and painting enhances your curb appeal, which adds to your customer satisfaction. This is truly the finishing touch, and is an essential and inexpensive way to maintain the value of your property.


Asphalt Maintenance & Repair offers any paving services you need; including milling, overlays, tear-outs, and new parking lot construction.




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Cracks allow moisture penetration from rain, snow, salt, and ice which erode the base of your parking lot. As these harmful substances penetrate into the subbase of the pavement, the cracks widen and eventually cause potholes. Unrepaired potholes will chip away and become more severe pavement issues. This exposes you to serious liability as potholes are trip hazards.Crack sealing is truly the first-line of defense against the degradation and eventual failure of the pavement. Sealing these gaps effectively stops the seepage of harmful substances and prolongs the life of your pavement investment.

Crack filling:

Potholes create serious liability issues in parking lots and roadway areas due to the potential hazard to vehicles and to pedestrians. Repairing potholes before liability issues arise can avoid fraudulent and unreasonable injury settlements. Potholes can form during any season and should be repaired immediately before causing serious injury or damage. We are experts in patching repairs as an essential component of a proper pavement maintenance preservation program. Patching repairs are a cost-effective way of eliminating further damage, liability, deterioration, and pavement-related headaches.


Pot Hole Repair:

Our preferred and most widely used product is called PMM from sealmaster. PMM stands for Polymer Modified Masterseal. Standard sealants consist of approximately 43% solids. PMM averages 58-62% solids. PMM sealer has twice the polymers, twice the blackening agent. It is hands down the best sealant on the market! Most contractors don't use PMM since it is more expensive.  We are one of the largest volume users in the state of Florida so we can give you PMM at or below the cost of other contractors who use inferior sealants.

Services Offered: